CSV Import plugin for Wolf CMS is a tool to quickly convert table data into Wolf CMS pages and page parts.

Using this plugin you can import large datasets from MS Excel, OpenOffice Calc or any other spreadsheet software which provides *.csv file format export.

CSV file format is a simple yet universal format of tabular data representation. Each row consists of columns delimeted by comma,, semicolon;, tabulator\t etc. Various applications provide export to csv format, however they use different escape characters. This plugin aims to be as flexible as possible to adapt to input file format in order to correctly interpret and import data.

An example *.csv data file can look like this:


The first row always contains column headers while the following rows contain the actual data delimeted by ; character.

You can convert your spreadsheet into Wolf pages and page parts in few simple steps. All you need to do is:

  1. Export the spreadsheet to one of supported formats (csv,tsv,txt),
  2. Upload the file to [CMS_ROOT]/public folder or type file's URL
  3. Tweak some import settings like:
    • column delimeter character (usually comma, semicolon or tabulator)
    • cell contents enclosure character (usually double- or single-quote)
    • escape character (usually backslash but Excel seems to use double quote)
    • character encoding (like WINDOWS-1250, ISO-8859-2, etc.)
    • imported file locale (like pl_PL, en_US, de_AT, etc.)
  4. Adjusting those settings wil most likely lead to valid table interpretation
  5. If everything is OK you can import new pages and page parts.

The plugin automatically assigns some columns' values to Page properties. All table columns which cannot become page properties will be added as page parts. If your table contains one of the following columns:

  • slug - required (and only rows with unique slugs will be imported)
  • title
  • breadcrumb
  • keywords
  • description
  • created_on
  • published_on
  • valid_until
  • tags

...the imported Pages' properties will be set accordingly to those fields. Any other properly named (latin letters, digits, dash and underscore) columns will be added as page parts.